What online university degree do you really want?
This seems to be a simple question, but it isn't really. I would say that before you embark on any university course, be it London, US, European or any other online university degree, you have to be sure of what you want before doing your online degree.
What level of online degree are you looking for?
Associate degrees, Bachelor degrees, Masters degrees, MBAs, PhDs, or some sort of certification and approved professional certificate? Is it practical or theoretical? What do you want and what do you need?
What subject would you like to do?
Business, nursing, hospitality, marketing, advertising, religion, political science, science, technology...?
Bear in mind that you have business as a general field of study, and then there are:
finance, accountancy, investment, banking, investment banking, economics... all within "Business", and all of them require specialised knowledge and training that you either have to have prior to studying, or you will have to pick them up along the way.
Do you have a background in the subject?
Do you have an interest in the subject?
Do you want to pursue a career in that subject?
Is the subject that you wish to study useful in terms of future promotions and future occupations?
How long and what am I going to invest?
It is a kind of investment, so before embarking on your online course you will have to think long and hard about how long the online degree programme will be, and what resources and how much you are going to commit to the study programme. All education, in particular university education, will involve some investment, either finanical or energy-wise. Both financial and energy commitments require time and money, so be alert to those costs as well.
To answer one question of: what online university degree do you really want, you have to in effect answer the following three questions to your own satisfaction:
What level of university degree do I want?
What online university subject do I want to do?
What am I prepared to invest to get this online university degree?
Before going further, ask yourself these questions, and then getting your university degree online will be much easier, more focused, and less painful.
Get a university degree online
What online university degree do you actually want?
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