Colorado Technical University Online Degrees

Colorado Technical University Online Degrees review

Brief look at the university

Interestingly enough, Colorado Technical University Online is only a subsidiary and a subset of a larger and bigger organisation, the Career Education Corporation. The Career Education Corporation is a for profit organisation that handles degrees and degree programmes. Colorado Technical University is a system of colleges and not a single physical college campus, per se. I was intrigued when I went to research on Colorado Technical University Online and found that it was part of a larger and more varied, diverse organisation offering education both online and on physical campuses all around the United States. Simply, Colorado Technical University Online is not just merely about online degrees and is not a single university, but has physical campuses and colleges all around the United States specialising in a variety of fields and can be said to be part of a larger educational network and educational system.

There are Colorado Technical University campuses and physical colleges in the following locations:

Colorado Springs, Denver, Broomfield, North Kansas City in Missouri, Pueblo, and Sioux Falls in South Dakota.

In addition for online degrees and university degrees online there are two websites and two subsidiaries and not just Colorado Technical University Online. There are two online degree programme websites: Colorado Technical University Online of course, and Stonecliffe College Online.

There are no known issues or problems or controversies regarding Colorado Technical University Online itself, but Career Education Corporation has had some controversies and scandals before. Currently, as of 2008, no action had and has been taken against the parent company holding Colorado Technical University. You may wish to research more into this university and its colleges and its parent company before you get your online degree and certifications here. The parent company of Colorado Technical University Online was apparently in some difficulty and law suits in 2006 and 2007. More research is needed if you are interested in this company or in Colorado Technical University Online.

Which courses are offered

Degree courses here are focused mainly on business, management, and technology. The degrees offered here at this university are also of various levels and not just masters, so there are bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees offered here at Colorado Technical University Online, but no professional certification, speciality or specialty programmes and no associate degrees.

If you wish to do business as a course, and in particular that coveted and very good MBA, Colorado Technical University might be a good choice for you because of its varied offers of business modules, courses and MBAs. Executive MBAs are also offered here at Colorado Technical University Online.

Some examples of the courses offered here at Colorado Technical University Online are: Human resource management for MBA, Logistics and supply chain management for MBA, Marketing MBA, Mediation and Dispute MBA, Technology Management MBA and much much more degrees and other online programmes.

There are also science programmes and Bachelor of science programmes such as health care management and accounting, but these generally are not as well known or as popular as the MBA programmes and the business, management and technology parts of the fields. Simply, there are many subjects and courses being offered, but some courses are better and more recognised than other online courses or other degrees.

Finance and other matters

Military students and international students get differing rates from alumni and from other types of students. There are many loans that may help you with Colorado Technical University Online's degree programmes. Financial aid and financial programmes are available. Be alerted to the fact that Colorado Technical University Online is a for profit degree issuing organisation and will hence be more expensive as compared to other online universities and distance learning courses, but that it will always be cheaper to study at Colorado Technical University via the Internet and via the degree programmes offered here rather than going to a physical campus.

Although, of course, the decision is yours, since Colorado Technical University is part of many other colleges, many based in Colorado, and if you live there and wish to get a degree from a physical campus from Colorado, that might be a good idea for you as well. The finanical costs will be more then.

Why you should study there and my personal recommendations

According to Colorado Technical University Online, the reasons why you should study with them are: Colorado Technical University Online offers degrees with real world relevance and real world application, as well as an executive MBA; the faculty here at Colorado Technical University Online are professional; the class sizes are small; there are accelerated learning programmes which allow you to finish the degrees faster and more efficiently, and in as little as 15 months you can get your bachelors or your masters degree, a very fast speed here in a world where the normal time frame for getting a university degree is much longer. The university is of course accredited and the standards are relatively high and everything is up to scratch, the controversies surrounding the parent company notwithstanding.

The other reasons for studying here are also to do with the general reasons of studying online and working for a university degree online as well, to do with costs and timings and ease and accessiblities and so on. We all know that there are many reasons to get a university degree online.

I would recommend this university if you are looking for management or MBA programmes. Colorado Technical University Online seems to be a relatively good university offering online degrees and education in the fields of management, business and technology, and so if you are considering any careers or jobs here in these fields, then you may need to do research and look around to see if Colorado Technical University Online here is good for you and your future. You may want to get your online degree from here. Cheers!

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